Ideas&Motion is glad to announce that the
“HiEFFICIENT” General Assembly will take place on May 9-10, 2023 in Turin, Italy.
“HiEFFICIENT” EU project aims for a resource-efficient and decarbonized transportation system, supported by the use of highly reliable and integrated wide-bandgap (WBG) technologies in electronic power circuits and systems of electrified vehicles and charging infrastructures.
The consortium of this EU project (started on May 1st, 2021) is an outstanding combination of well-known Europen Industrial companies and research institutes (33 partners from 9 European countries), being located along the whole value chain, starting from semiconductors industries and ending up with OEMs.
The General Assembly (May 9-10, Conference Room at “Hotel Concord”, Turin – Italy) allows all the project’s involved partners to share overall project progress, to discuss about next steps, to facilitate synergies and, why not, to spent some pleasant moment all together…