
Complex Device Drivers

I&M Complex Device Drivers

A set of customized Complex Device Drivers for different applications:

  • 3-phase Inverter driver
  • Motor position sensor (resolver, encoder, hall effect sensors)
  • Solenoid valves (peak&hold / saturated control)
  • Safety read back of complex signals (e.g. resolver feedback, PWM inverter feedback)
  • Internal Combustion Engine control: engine position sensors, ignition and injection actuators, smart actuators

For Electric Motor Control

A complete stack for the control of electric motors, including:

  • Speed and current closed loop control of the motor
  • Motor position sensor observer
  • 3-phase Inverter driver
  • Motor position sensor (resolver, encoder, hall effect sensors)

All the drivers are available for microcontrollers from different silicon supplier (e.g.: Infineon Aurix 2G (TC3xx), NXP S32K1x, NXP MPC57xx) and are provided with complete set of documentation, including: requirements, design, code coverage, static code analysis report and unit tests.

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